After 4 month traveling i wasnt sure if i really should write about all the stuff because many things are not that nice and it left a lot of pain in my heart .. but my indian friends told me i should do it to wake up some people of their blind „reality“ what i wrote is fact and not only my experiences… someone said you love india or you hate india. i wont say that i hate it, it just makes me sad to see what happend to this beautiful country, on one side you see a fast progress on the other the biggest shit what you can imagine!!

so first some interessting random facts about india and later my experiences

Indian Railways have maximum no. of employees in the world that is about 1.6 million also about 5 Billion people travel by Indian railways in a year.

they say Sanskrit is known as mother of all languages and its oldest language of world.( but i dont believe i heard also it comes from vedic and in sibiria they still talk this language and it was a secret language from the prists), India was one of the richest countries till the time of British rule in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus, attracted by India’s wealth, had come looking for a sea route to India when he discovered America by mistake. 

India has 3rd largest army of the world they are just behind USA and Russia.India never invaded any country in its last 10.000 years of history.
The number of births that occur in India each year is more than the whole population of Australia. India has no National Language. Hindi is an official language used in many regions, English is also commonly used in many regions. There are many popular regional languages like Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada and Marathi spoken and officially used in their respective regions.(more then 2000 languages)

The big six languages – Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil and Urdu – are each spoken by more than 50 million people.
A total of 122 languages are each spoken by more than 10,000 people.
India was once a continent. More than 100 million years ago, when also dinosaurs roamed the earth, most of what is now India was an island.

There are over a million Indian millionaires. However, the gap between the rich and poor is still very big, with many living on a poverty level.
Baudhayana, an Indian mathematician first calculated the value of PI. He is also said to have discovered other mathematical theorems still in use.
They still have the largest postal system in the world.(but you will waaait a long time minimum 30min to send one easy package)
its second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people

India has the second (or third) highest population of Muslims in the world.Even though less than 15% of Indians are Muslim. Christianity(2.4%), Sikhism (1.9%), Buddhism (1.5%) Jainism (0.4%) 80% Hinduism

it produce more then 800.000.000.000 kilos waste a DAY can you imagine …

but this is not the big problem when you know how to handle it but i have seen all over the country that people dont know where to put all the waste the most things land in the river they hope they can flush it away. but you see black rivers crying for oxygen and you can smell them already from some hundred meters away. the problem is they have no solution so even if you find a pin what is not that common its mostly full and everything is also on the floor around .so the burn a lot of the plastic waste around. but the plastic waste is a very big problem. some kids collecting some bottles because the hardplastic can be transformed into other stuff.littering is just a habit and can reteached what they already try with fees in some citys, but nobody really care.. but here is the real solution for all plastic problems in the world !!


India has the largest movie industry in the world.

India has one of the worst road casualty rates in the world

There are more road deaths in India than any other country in the world.

India grows nearly 40% of the world’s mango crop, 12 million tons of mangoes are grown each year

India has become the largest producer of milk in the world. (thats why they think that mil is healthy, please wake up and inform)

milk is number one causes of allergencys and other illness, it dont give you calcium, just think why we are the only animal who still drinks milk after 3 years, our body is not made to drink animal milk, but people will find it out after loner suffering watch this for more information


more facts


humanity??after this experiment you see that people are so busy in there fear slavery reality that many dont care or are to afraid to act

i wont generlize but you see whats going on in the mainstream


slums in india

i wont say the india is a poor country the will have more and more money thats why more and more people get greedy and characterless.

its just a big problem with the crime and cast system which even dont allow the poor people to raise..

many children just get teached to beg and thats their only life, my friend even talked to one and told him that he can stay at his house and get food an education but he dont like.its really hard to get them away then when the mafia teach them so long. also heard that the own family member cut legs or other things off, to make more money with friend have seen also that a men put poison over a boys face and he ran there and asked him who it was and he told him it was his father its kinda crazy when you see or hear this. a good movie about this is slumdog millionare.


before i came to india my friend said you will like india when i was there i was thinking what kind of india have you been? a lot of westerners become pink glasses when the arrive and everything become holy there. but unfortiantly god is buisness and yoga is buisness the real indian spirit is hard to find. i heard once about an oneness university in tada near chennai so i went there for 80dollars a day in a big doorm with bad food and wannabe enlighted inner voice said i dont need it but it was always a yes and no and i dont judge before i dont see it by myself. when i was there i have seen so many crap and its a positiv brainwashing but i am to conscious and rituals and other tricks dont work with me. i already liked to leave after the second day because i already felt its not the right place to be and just mind manipulation. its more how you can rip off western wannabe spirituals when you go out you see all the poor people around the million dollar buildings.but i dont write much more because this would be again another page about all the stuff in the last days before i left  many people from there came to me and ask me why i am here i look so freely haha but i didnt told them the truth because they paid already for one month so they should take the most what the can instead knowing the truth and feeling pissed. if someone really like to know more he can write me . the same with auroville where people should be free living like the mother and sri aurobino said but the also just builded million dollars tempel and after the gurus died people dont know what to do, they are all sheeps and need someone who leads them. and if you like to live there you have to pay for your apartment and work for free only if you stay longer then 4month you get a free room


after the first 5 weeks india what i said about india. i always have nice experiences meet lot of friendly people here and got a lot of old knowledge what i really like. if you look at the culture its very extreme here with all kind of religions and beliving problems. one thing what is everywhere in the world the same is about making fear which dont exist.i heard also in europe india is dangerous especially for woman to get raped haha i really have to laugh about it because every european woman would break a indian man in 2 pieces, 95% are mostly very weak only rich people have time to workout but there are not many and you see more that the raping happens in the family but they cant talk about it because the children think if they do something against there parents belives they will hurt them and they would get many problems.(even get killed or not accepted anymore in the family when they would say that they get raped).also at night you mostly see any woman at the street(south india)because they are all afraid and if they are mostly in groups. so the definition of respect is very different what i think what respect is. for me its to accept the person how he is and let him do what he wants to do.also most indian life s are already planned like job marriage ect.because thy think they need to work also for the next generation. but why should you follow the belives of your parents if they are not 90% happy every day?why do you live then a lie to make other people happy and you live in pain and cant live that what you want?so ask your parents you want to be that i am happy in life or you want to be that i just do what you want?so they familiy dont respects you when they dont let you marry or do what you want. so its a male dominated society „the woman“ shouldnt think and speak she should be mostly very quiet and just be nice, for me was hard to see that the housewife needs to sleep on the floor.for me this is respectless that a woman which cooks and cleans every day is sleeping like a dog on the kitchens floor.every dog in europe have more rights because they can sleep in their own bed. i think its very hard here for a indian to live your own free life because of so many traditions and people thinking just in one line. how should a man know how a woman „works“ when the are all the time seperated in school in the bus  ect. sexuality is kinda secret and the have no idea about it even when the roots from the tantra is from india. i was looking for it but there are quite no teachers (only goa) one of the best teachers are gandhi and osho but they killed him.osho teached a lot about tantric life what means freedom. a ayuvedic doctor said i am talking the same things like him so i started researching and was very blessed 😉 so there are some good teachings but people always looking for a guru and following mostly just the society pressure without even thinking what are they doing.


the most annoying thing is that people always want to make picture of you to show off in twitter or facebook. when i was training on the beach in rishikesh after 5 min more then 20 people where around me so the police came to chase them. my friend was in goa with 2 girls and more then 100 indians were standing around them and when they went into the water the where standing behind her to get touch with her when a wave is comming. so again the police had to come.and everyone wants to add you on facebook and then also add all your girls from your contact list.the last time i was just in a restaurant in singapur and a indian gave me his phone on the tabel that he wants to add me LOL just to feel a lil bit fame and showing off. most common question is where you from?i am from god ! which religion? no religion just love! are you married? no i am happy ! sorry but i dont support boxthinking.we are all the same with the same problems dont try to put me into your box to feel that you know me. you dont know people by asking random stupid questions. i really felt mostly like an alien when i was traveling in (south) india.


how more i traveled up north from pune i felt like i am coming into a wannabe bollywood society . a lot of fake people and every want to be someone even without having really an idea what he is talking about because they never researched anything .even i wouldnt say that bollywood is a dance there are no traditional basics they steal just some moves from everywhere to show off which are even not connected to the music. in a breakdancebattle from 100 dancers i have seen maybe 10 real dancer the rest was youtube live stream what i told them, because i was sad to see just copys.  i had so many crazy experiences but i think many people want belive it, but i dont want to point my finger to much on bad experiences for me its more important about awareness. what do you belive and why do you belive it, this should be a question for everyone if you really like to grow over your normal manipulated mindcrap what you think.

after the last 3 month in india i can say its the biggest slavery system what i have seen and i have been on more then 30 country s

i havent seen so much uneducation and big ego in any other country but when you say something like this they already identify with what i am saying  and feeling attacked and take it personal instead to think about the the whole goverment is making this conflicts and problems in the society , instead of coming and helping together they push each other so its a place full of differences and no acceptance. a lot of fear about change and when you dont have the right contacts you are all the time with „stupids“ .most people think that they are doing a lot, by making themself busy all the time in their mind and living in a facebook reality, but in the outside world its really hard to count on anyone because they just got teached in this way.when you want something you always have to run behind the persons what is very annoying.the easiest things are sometimes very complicated. The goverment make the people busy and also give them this feeling of patrioty what i dont understand, how can you be proud of „your country“ . so nobody allows that they face the problems and its very hard then to go own, then how will you change something if you dont allow to learn from your „mistakes“. mistakes are the only way of learning you should love it. but change is already happening more and more starts to awake

India is a amazing country where you can find everything and compare to the countrysize they handle it quit well but i wish everyone trust and strenght to follow there dreamlifes to make a better place for everyone. so i hope this inspires you to see a different view !

you can do everything if you belive in your dreams. go for it !!!!the world is waiting for YOU not for another sheep 😉 BE A LION


i am very thankful for all the experiences and want to say thank you to everyone

here is the video from the 4 month .


indian martial art

