von admin | Aug. 22, 2014 | Allgemein
Fuk you all you meateating and vegan luzifer manipulating homose*ual religious people jesus allah buddah mohamend fuking raping mindsh*ting bitching c*nt suking assholes christgangbanging children slaughter animalraping wannabe gurus and fake peace love fun unity...
von admin | Juli 7, 2014 | Allgemein
maybe you already was thinking one time of the sence of life and maybe also of your life.. so why do you grow up in this part of the planet, in this family, in this society??? why we have so much different reality s .. why do we think there is only one truth? and your...
von admin | Juni 27, 2014 | Allgemein
sorry for the lame trick but sex sells and i want that many people read this Did you ever question yourself why do you still work for a goverment who kills everyone on this planet??? yes KILLING not only the nature with all the plastic and atomic waste , farming and...
von admin | Apr. 8, 2014 | Allgemein
Day after day, the media present us with reports of terrorist events occurring somewhere in the world. They may be close to home (emotionally or geographically) or on the other side of the globe. Are these events really the independent actions of disaffected...
von admin | März 30, 2014 | Allgemein
Have you ever asked yourself : „Do I act differently to different people? Who is aware of the person you think you are? Who are you? What are you?“ For example, your mother always sees you as a child and doesn’t treat you as a grown-up because she still holds her old...
von admin | März 15, 2014 | Allgemein
Wirklichkeit?Wahrheit bislang ungeklärte Konzepte. Was ist nun die Realität von die jeder spricht? Wir haben mehr als 7 Milliarden Realitäten und jeder lebt eine leicht abgewandelte. Du kannst dir nicht mal sicher sein das du deine „eigene“ lebst da wir alle...